Banking Law 

Our team of Banking Law professionals is deeply knowledgeable in this field and has extensive experience in the provision of services to financial institutions. This has enabled us to become one of the leading firms within this sector. 

  • Legal management of foreclosures  
  • Out of court sales of mortgaged properties  
  • monetary attachments  
  • small debt proceedings  
  • loan and credit policies and security bonds  
  • Declarativeproceduresonthenullityorvalidityofabusive clauses:soil,earlymaturityandinterestsofdelay,etc… 

Following one of our most solid principles, i.e. the on-going update and training, we have organised training programs on this matter for independent solicitors, solicitors employed in the internal legal division of financial institutions, Senior Judges, Judges and Secretaries and, in general, law professionals wanting to extend and refresh their knowledge in the above branch of law. In this sense, we can highlight a Conference on the practical legal issues relating to foreclosures organized in conjunction with the University of Malaga. 

Pérez de Vargas Abogados also provides financial institutions with a “one-stop shop” service and the option to use our system to have online access to all your records and documents, thus making it easier for you to manage your records. 

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