Incentives for the renovation and modernisation of tourist accommodation establishments in Andalusia.


The aim of the Decree-Law 14/2021 is to boost the economy of the tourism sector in Andalusia. This legislation will enable the modernisation of tourist accommodation establishments, upgrading their category and adapting to the requirements derived from the COVID-19 health crisis.


We highly value the aim of the decree-law, applicable not just to those establishments built on urban land, but also -under our interpretation- to those that legally built on rustic land or that have been left in an out-of-order situation as a consequence of the change in the urban planning.


A margin of flexibility is established in the application of the urban planning parameters of buildability, occupation, and height, as an exceptional and transitional measure, applicable to building permits applied for this purpose within three years of the entry into force of the decree-law.


It is recognised that a significant part of the renovation and improvement operations will require the prior processing of innovation in urban planning and the corresponding environmental assessment procedure by the provisions of Article 40 of Law 7/2007 (GICA),therefore, in such cases.


The municipal building permit may be requested after the expiry of the aforementioned three-year period.


Marbella, 6th September 2021

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